Thursday, December 2, 2010

Viva La France....Oh and We'll Throw Spain in There Too

Welcome back my dear readers...and once again, sorry for the short hiatus in posts. To be fair, I was out on the road eating, oh and on occasion hitting art galleries and museums with David. Poor thing, he is one of those humans who can eat for eating sake (unless pastries are on the table), and therefore, my food passion is inadvertently forced on him. To be fair, on this trip, as opposed to others, I left huge gaping holes for activity and even booked dinners and lunches in the vicinity of where we would be. So guess what?....I came back from this one 3lbs lighter!!! I have really no idea how that happened with what you will see was a daily food-a-thon. And to be fair, my last Europe trip this summer did not end with any noteworthy results, so I am taking this one as divine intervention.

In the next few weeks you can be expecting posts spanning Spain, including Barcelona, Grenada, Ronda, Sevilla, and Madrid and numerous spots in Paris. One caveat is they will not be underground in the traditional sense, but many are virtually unknown to tourists, so please use these to truly enhance your trip.

I must also make a short plug for the guys at LeFooding. They are revolutionaries in the Paris dining scene, highlighting those places that Michelin leaves behind or only bestows "Bib" status on. Unfortunately, for us Ami's it is only in French, but I hope this will change. Don't expect white tablecloth or spotless sequence of service, but who cares about that stuff anymore (well, some people do...just wait for the Taillevant review)...its all about the food, right? So without further ado...let the reviewing begin!

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